
By Emma Chittenden,

Published on Apr 3, 2024   —   2 min read


The Wotcher has evolved into Unperfect Choices, find out more about why.


It’s been a hot moment.

The Wotcher has changed.  Well, evolving.  I’ll share a bit more about why in a mo.

You’ll notice that this isn’t called the Wotcher anymore, welcome to Unperfect Choices. Read on to find out more.

Why the pivot

Last year I had a plan.  At the start of the year I had a contract that was going to last the whole year (unheard of in contracting).  I planned on building up the company I wanted to launch while still earning money, and cross the two businesses over.

Only that didn’t happen.  In August my contract was terminated (without prejudice) because there wasn’t enough work for me.

Fine, I thought. I would plough on forward and use contracting as a back-up plan.  After all I thought, I’m an expert, I’ve always landed on my feet.

What I didn’t anticipate was the contract market contracted so far it’s all but disappeared.  Alongside a metric sh*t tonne of wider lay-offs across the industry.

Not only was my back-up plan in the toilet, but the original idea I’d had was floundering.  Nobody really needed, or wanted my specialist services.

I limped into Christmas and out the other side of it.  And thought “enough”. If my original idea was dead in the water, why didn’t I just take a hot moment and rethink what I really wanted to be doing.

So that’s what I did.

Small thoughts, big ideas

Two pink post-it notes stuck to a monitor. The first says More choice is not good choice and the second says Less is more.
More choice is not good choice, and Less is more.

I’ve had these two post-it notes stuck on monitors, walls and notice boards for the last 8 years.  You could say they are mantras I live by.

I’ve helped clients be more profitable into the millions in the last 15 years by following these two principles. In one form or another, they are at the heart of every spell I’ve woven for businesses.

These are two things that I believe with my whole heart.  I live and breathe them.

So I took these two ideas, and I fell down a rabbit hole of research, to find a way to glue them together.  I wanted to create a repeatable method that I could use to help businesses embrace the two concepts, to help them do more with less.

What I ended up with blew my (very frazzled) mind.

Unperfect Choices

What I’ve ended up with is a method that I call Unperfect Choices (the misspelling is entirely intentional).

I’d set-out to find a way to help people make better choices and do more with less.  Which I’ve done, but in the process of doing this, the foundational part actually helps people be less perfect.

So this blog / newsletter is evolving to cover all things unperfectly unpossible.

I’m going to use it as a space to explore (read, bust) some status quo’s:

  • More choice leads to better outcomes
  • Decision making is a logical process
  • Perfection is the only path to success
  • Sustainability is a nice-to-have, not a necessity
  • Pivots need to be significant, disruptive shifts to be effective

If you’ve been here for a while, and this kinda vibe is not for you, there is absolutely no hard feelings if you want to unsubscribe.  But you never know, this new vibe might be exactly what you’ve been looking for.

So welcome to the next chapter, Unperfect choices.

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